My boyfriend Barry hates popcorn. I can't imagine life without popcorn. Once a week, maybe less, I have popcorn for dinner. I love the smell, the taste, the texture ... everything about it.
Barry says he hates it because pieces get stuck in his throat and it makes him crazy. I don't like that part either, but I'm not about to give it up because of a silly inconvenience.
I eat microwave popcorn, but not the kind that comes in a bag. I cook my popcorn in a microwave popper; a device I bought at Sears many years ago. My sister bought one not long ago at Target. They cost somewhere between $10-15 and keep all of the unwanted ... stuff ... out of the popcorn. I typically pop the corn and add my own melted butter or just some salt. It's fresh and delicious, takes about 3 minutes to cook. I buy the popcorn in a bag at the grocery store and it's certainly more economical than the alternative.
I don't buy popcorn at the movie theater. I'm not sure what, exactly, they put on it, but it isn't butter and it isn't oil (butter-flavored oil?) .. anyhoo, it's nasty stuff. I have on occasion, snuck my own popcorn into the theater. I know that's wrong, but ... I swear, i don't care how expensive it is at the theater, it's not about that. It's about taste. It just doesn't taste very good.
Here's a photo of the popcorn maker I have. As I said, it's pretty old, but still works beautifully.
I'm with you on the loving popcorn thing, but I have to disagree with you on movie theater butter - I don't know what it is either, but man it's tasty! :)