Napoleons 2.0

Napoleons 2.0
I love brioche!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Breakfast is ....

Sage Derby cheese and an apple for breakfast.
... the most important meal of the day, right? I have mixed feelings. Often, when I eat breakfast, I'm hungry all day. If I don't have breakfast, I don't eat anything until after lunch. I'm not sure it matters just what I eat, either.
What I do know is that once I changed my thinking about what constitutes breakfast, I became more likely to eat something. Back when I was a kid, breakfast was cereal, toast, eggs or pancakes. Today, breakfast usually doesn't mean any of those things (unless it's a big weekend kind of breakfast). Today, breakfast is yogurt, cheese, fruit, smoothies -- even leftovers from last night's dinner.
I bring this all up because I was having the discussion the other day I was having a discussion about pie for breakfast. One of my coworkers was taking a break and she had eggs, toast, hot cereal and a piece of pie on her plate. I love the enthusiasm she has for food and she makes no apologies for what she eats. She is also about a size 4 .. so ... go figure.
Anyhoo, my understanding is that pie for breakfast was an old farm tradition. Fruit pies kept well without refrigeration so they were often served in the morning to the farmhands.
I haven't had pie for breakfast lately but I have a bunch of other stuff I like. This morning I'm having some cheese -- Sage Derby -- with a fresh apple. I love peanut butter smeared on a banana washed down with a cup of coffee.  I used to eat bananas and peanut butter on a rice cake for breakfast almost every day. I enjoy Greek yogurt, plain, mixed with a little jam. Sometimes I throw some fruit in a blender along with an instant breakfast drink. We like what we call "fake" sausage, the Morningstar Farms soy-based sausage patties and I always have hard-boiled eggs in the refrigerator. Yesterday I had hummus and pita chips for breakfast.
Rather than worrying about whether or not it's a "breakfast" food, today I concentrate on what is healthy and appealing to me in the morning. Sometimes I get both in, like today. Other days, pie for breakfast sounds perfect.

1 comment:

  1. the 1/2 bag of cherry Twizzlers (little nibbles)I picked at while answering email this morning probably does not constitute a healthy breakfast. On the plus side it's probably a breakfast choice for me about once a year! I agree Sherry, as long as it's healthy, who cares if it's labeled a breakfast food or not! I too, love fruit and cheese in the morning!Linda
