Napoleons 2.0

Napoleons 2.0
I love brioche!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

the bloggedy blog thing

I confess that I don't always have time to read the blogs I love. So, it might not make sense to start one of my own.
Mostly, I want to share more than just a food photo here and there (like I do on FB) and also be able to add lots of recipes and comments and such.
Blogger is really user friendly as well.
So, here goes.
This morning, I'm roasting a chicken. One thing about working from home that is lovely is that I can roast a chicken while working. I throw some fresh herbs, a half an onion and a lemon in the cavity, rub the skin with some butter and throw it in the oven.
When it's done, I have enough chicken for a couple of main meals, some chicken salad and maybe the makings of a chicken stock. Delicious!
Welcome to my new blog.